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Risk Aversion Quiz

Risk Aversion Scale

In the below scenarios you'll be given an update about an investment. You can then decide to Sell, to Do Nothing or to Buy More.

Your choices are scored based on the riskiness of your answer and that helps to determine your risk aversion score. Your Risk Aversion score is then used to break down your portfolio between stocks, or your "risky" portfolio, and bonds, or your "risk-free" portfolio.

Scenario Question
# 1 A longtime CEO announces their retirement and they are currently 20% of your portfolio. What do you do with your stock?
Sell Do Nothing Buy More
# 2 The market drops 3% in one day. What do you do when the market opens the following day?
Sell Do Nothing Buy More
# 3 A company announces that they will be closing 10% of their stores. What would you do in this situation?
Sell Do Nothing Buy More
# 4 A new currency emerges and becomes the talk of every investor. You happened to buy some a few months ago. What would you do in this situation?
Sell Do Nothing Buy More
# 5 A presidential candidate is elected whose principles you disagree with. What would you do in this situation?
Sell Do Nothing Buy More
# 6 A financial advisor tells you they will not sign a fiduciary agreement then proceeds to offer you additional investment productions beyond what you already have with them. What would you do in this situation?
Sell Do Nothing Buy More
# 7 Houses in your neighborhood are up for sale at a price below what you paid. What would you do in this situation?
Sell Do Nothing Buy More
# 8 This weekend you were at a local market and your favorite perishable food was on sale. You only wanted two servings but it's half off. What do you do in this situation?
Sell Do Nothing Buy More

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